Sarton Physical Therapy

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Are You Pushing Out Your Pee? 5 Tips for Proper Urination (And Why it Matters)

Are you pushing out your pee?

If so, you’re teaching your brain to activate your pelvic floor when you should actually be relaxing it! Pressure change around the urethra and the bladder neck allows for full and complete voiding (a.k.a peeing/urinating).

Over time, if a patient routinely pushes their pee out, they’ll develop a start/stop flow pattern because the muscles are getting confused about what they should actually be doing at the time of urination.

You’re teaching these muscles a behavior that’s contradicting to what it should naturally be doing for voiding. (Especially if you have a hypertonic - tight - pelvic floor and you feel like you have to push.) Pelvic floor physical therapy can help with that!

In this video, we’ll first address why it is that we should NOT be pushing our pee out. Then, we’re going over FIVE killer and effective techniques to improve this habit, as outlined below.

5 Techniques For Proper Urination:

  1. Breathe (with your belly and rib cage, not the chest and neck)

  2. Position Your Pelvic Floor Ideally (knees above hips)

  3. Use the “Double Void” Technique

  4. Give Your Bladder a Manual Queue

  5. Our Sarton Secret: Sacral Stimulation!

We hope this helps you! Visit to learn more about numerous diagnoses and treatments related to urinating and defecating properly and comfortably. Happy peeing!

We want to encourage you to get evaluated by one of our outstanding physical therapists, and regain control of your life. Pelvic pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, back pain, tailbone pain—you name it—these conditions do not have to control your life. There is hope. Call us today to book an appointment for 1 of our 3 Southern California locations, or inquire about a virtual, online treatment session.

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